網友幸子通報,一篇由Lucas Mann撰寫,名為"Wang strikes out in Chinatown, where baseball is just ‘too slow’",登載於Villager有關王建民的報導誤將王建民當成中國人,在報導中還非常驚訝於中國城中的人對王建民與棒球並不熱衷,實在叫人又好氣又好笑,我這邊發起一人一信寫信指正該報總編輯。
Wang is Taiwanese not Chinese
Dear Editor,
Mr. Mann confuse Taiwanese with Chinese when writing the article "Wang strikes out in Chinatown, where baseball is just ‘too slow’." Wang is not Chinese. He is Taiwanese. Taiwan and China are two different countries.
Baseball is the most popular sport in Taiwan and everyone in Taiwan recognizes Wang as a national hero. On the other hand, only very few Chinese understand the rule of baseball let alone love the game. It is not surprise at all that people in Chinatown are not particularly crazy about Baseball and Wang. The reason is simple, because they are not Taiwanese.
Please clear this confusion and make sure your reader understand Wang is a Taiwanese not a Chinese and Taiwan and China are two different countries.