from:椰子樹下打盹的哲學家 澳洲蒙納士大學教授給謝長廷,馬英九的公開信
家博就是林義雄家血案發生時,被聯合報指控是涉嫌血案的大鬍子。事實上 家博 教授是一直為台灣人權與民主化非常努力的澳洲公民。連接>從家博教授的網站可知他甚至在學術界仍然不斷地研究台灣議題
An Open Letter to Frank Hsieh and Ma Ying-jeou
By Bruce Jacobs (家博)
Over eighty per cent of the residents of Taiwan (台灣住民) want this country (本國)to be a member of the United Nations. As both of you have recognized in the past, this country is a sovereign nation (有主權的國家). According to international law, the best definition of a sovereign
nation appears in the “Convention On Rights And Duties Of States” signed
in Montevideo on December 26, 1933. According to this Treaty, a sovereign
state has four characteristics: “a ) a permanent population; b ) a defined
territory; c ) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the
other states.” This nation clearly has all four of these characteristics.
In addition, the people of this nation freely and democratically elect the
nation’s government.
This clear unity among the people of this nation in desiring to
participate in the United Nations has been lost in partisan bickering. I
urge you both to put aside partisan interests and to concentrate on national
In order to demonstrate to the world the desire of the people of this nation
to belong to the United Nations, I would urge you both to reach a
three-point agreement:
1. In discussing membership of the United Nations, you put aside the
issue of “name” and do not refer to “Taiwan” or the “Republic of
China.” In discussing membership of the United Nations, you can both refer
to “this country” (本國).
2. In discussing membership of the United Nations, you put aside the
issue of whether this country shall “join the United Nations” (入聯) or
“return to the United Nations (返聯).” Rather, you can both refer to
“participating in the United Nations” (參加聯合國).
3. You both urge all voters to support both UN referenda in the March
22 election.
With both of you supporting the two referenda, it is highly likely that both
referenda will pass. This will send an important message to the world
community that this nation is a sovereign nation that both wants and
deserves to be a member of the United Nations. On the contrary, failing to
pass the two referenda would send exactly the wrong message to the world
Such an agreement between the two of you would also go far towards
diminishing political division in this nation and help to forge a new
national unity.
Respectfully yours,
J. Bruce Jacobs (家博)